Resolve - A 28 Day Rebalencing Menu

Resolve - A 28 Day Rebalencing Menu

CHF 1,820.00

The four phases will take you on a journey, from eliminating certain foods, playing with fasting, re-integration (with optional grass-fed meat and eggs) and finally, embedding a healthy, sustainable and delicious way of eating.

Week 1 – Elimination

This week is vegan and all about preparing your body for what’s coming. The menu will eliminate sugar, alcohol, caffeine, meat, dairy and gluten.

Week 2 -– Reset

This week we’ll play with fasting! Giving your digestive system a well-deserved rest. Migrating motor complex (MMC) is considered to be the housekeeper of your digestive tract. It promotes elimination of indigestible foods, cellular debris and bacterial over growth. And it only goes to work when your stomach is empty.

Week 3 – Integration

This week the menu will re-introduce some of those foods we removed at the start. There will be different protein options with optional meat or fish. In this phase we are moving towards our final week, setting up healthy and sustainable new habits. We we’ll continue to use fasting 12:12 and 16:08, learning how to maximise nutrition intake during eating windows.

Week 4 – The final phase

This phase is about reflection. Embedding what you’ve learned over the past three weeks – enjoying and maintaining a sustainable, delicious and healthy way to eat. The menu will add a few grains such as gluten free oats and quinoa. Still wheat and gluten free.


Supplements will complement the process. Magnesium breakthrough & P3-om probiotics are both bio-optimizers. I’ll be using activated charcoal to help bind and remove toxic waste as well as herbs such as ashwagandha and spirulina to support your gut biome.

As with my five day programme, I choose the highest quality organic produce, prepared to bring out the natural flavour. Everything is made using stainless or cast iron cookware and delivered to you in non-toxic containers that are all recycled for reuse. Everything you need, delivered to your door.



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