Resolve - A 28 Day Spring Equinox Plant Based Reset

Resolve - A 28 Day Spring Equinox Plant Based Reset
The Spring Equinox is a celebration of new life, new beginnings, and a return to balance.
On the northern hemisphere, days and night become nearly equal in length, calling in more light and shedding the heaviness of winter.
Here at Wellbeing Tonics Kitchen we will be following nature’s graceful transition with a 28 day plant based reset.
Switching our diets to a more simple plant based approach can rejuvenate our gut microbiome, kick start weight loss, balance our hormones and shift us into a new way of thinking about what we eat and how that makes us feel.
The reset is designed to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, burn fat, identify food sensitivities, boost energy, regulate blood sugar, improve skin complaints and stabilise mood.
The plant-based Menu, consists whole foods that come solely from plants- fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds.
28 days of No meat, seafood, dairy, gulten, alcohol and processed foods or refined sugar.
Supplements will complement the process. Magnesium breakthrough & P3-om probiotics are both bio-optimizers. I’ll be using activated charcoal to help bind and remove toxic waste as well as herbs such as ashwagandha and spirulina to support your gut biome.
As with my five day programme, I choose the highest quality organic produce, prepared to bring out the natural flavour. Everything is made using stainless or cast iron cookware and delivered to you in non-toxic containers that are all recycled for reuse. Everything you need, delivered to your door.
17 March - 13 April 2025 (28 day Program)
24 March - 06 April 2025 (14 day Program)
28 days 1870.00 CHF. (66CHF per day)
14 days 910.00 CHF. (Message me if you’d like to do 2 weeks).
Last date for signing up 28 February 2025